FAQs About Journal Approval
Questions and Answers
Can the preparer of the journal batch approve the journal?
Yes, preparer can approve the journal when below two conditions are met
1. When the Journals: Allow Preparer Approval profile option is set to ‘Yes’
2. Preparer authorization limit is more than maximum absolute amount of journal batch
1. When the Journals: Allow Preparer Approval profile option is set to ‘Yes’
2. Preparer authorization limit is more than maximum absolute amount of journal batch
Preparer authorization limit can be obtained using below query
SELECT nvl(authorization_limit, 0)
FROM GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS a, fnd_user b,gl_set_of_books c
WHERE a.employee_id = b.employee_id
AND a.set_of_books_id =c.set_of_books_id
And b.user_name=’&peparer_id’
And c.name=’&set_of_books_name’;
SELECT nvl(authorization_limit, 0)
FROM GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS a, fnd_user b,gl_set_of_books c
WHERE a.employee_id = b.employee_id
AND a.set_of_books_id =c.set_of_books_id
And b.user_name=’&peparer_id’
And c.name=’&set_of_books_name’;
SELECT nvl(authorization_limit, 0)
FROM GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS a, fnd_user b,gl_ledgers c
WHERE a.employee_id = b.employee_id
AND a.ledger_id =c.ledger_id
And b.user_name=’&preparer_id’
And c.name=’&ledger_name’;
FROM GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS a, fnd_user b,gl_ledgers c
WHERE a.employee_id = b.employee_id
AND a.ledger_id =c.ledger_id
And b.user_name=’&preparer_id’
And c.name=’&ledger_name’;
Maximum line amount of journal batch can be found using below query
SELECT max(abs(nvl(JEL.accounted_dr, 0) – nvl(JEL.accounted_cr, 0)))
WHERE JEH.je_batch_id = JEB.je_batch_id
AND JEH.je_header_id = JEL.je_header_id
AND JEH.currency_code <> ‘STAT’
And JEB.name=&journal_batch_name;
WHERE JEH.je_batch_id = JEB.je_batch_id
AND JEH.je_header_id = JEL.je_header_id
AND JEH.currency_code <> ‘STAT’
And JEB.name=&journal_batch_name;
Is preparer same as creator of journal batch?
No, Preparer is the one who initiates the journal batch approval process and he/she need not be the journal
batch creator.
batch creator.
How to find supervisor of the user and the authorization limit of the user and supervisor?
Use below query to get the user’s supervisor details and authorization limits of the user and his supervisor.
select a.user_name user_id ,b.full_name user_full_name,
c.d_supervisor_id supervisor_user_id ,
d.authorization_limit User_auth_limit ,
e.authorization_limit Supervisor_auth_limit
fnd_user a,
per_all_people_f b,
gl_authorization_limits_v d,
gl_authorization_limits_v e
Where a.employee_id=b.person_id
and b.person_id=c.person_id(+)
and a.employee_id=d.employee_id(+)
and c.supervisor_id=e.employee_id(+)
and a.user_name=’&preparer_id’;
select a.user_name user_id ,b.full_name user_full_name,
c.d_supervisor_id supervisor_user_id ,
d.authorization_limit User_auth_limit ,
e.authorization_limit Supervisor_auth_limit
fnd_user a,
per_all_people_f b,
gl_authorization_limits_v d,
gl_authorization_limits_v e
Where a.employee_id=b.person_id
and b.person_id=c.person_id(+)
and a.employee_id=d.employee_id(+)
and c.supervisor_id=e.employee_id(+)
and a.user_name=’&preparer_id’;
select a.user_name user_id ,b.full_name user_full_name,
c.d_supervisor_id supervisor_user_id ,
d.authorization_limit User_auth_limit ,
e.authorization_limit Supervisor_auth_limit
fnd_user a,
per_all_people_f b,
gl_authorization_limits_v d,
gl_authorization_limits_v e
Where a.employee_id=b.person_id
and b.person_id=c.person_id(+)
and a.employee_id=d.employee_id(+)
and c.supervisor_id=e.employee_id(+)
and a.user_name=’&preparer_id’;
select a.user_name user_id ,b.full_name user_full_name,
c.d_supervisor_id supervisor_user_id ,
d.authorization_limit User_auth_limit ,
e.authorization_limit Supervisor_auth_limit
fnd_user a,
per_all_people_f b,
gl_authorization_limits_v d,
gl_authorization_limits_v e
Where a.employee_id=b.person_id
and b.person_id=c.person_id(+)
and a.employee_id=d.employee_id(+)
and c.supervisor_id=e.employee_id(+)
and a.user_name=’&preparer_id’;
How to find all work flow notification details of specific journal batch?
Use below queries to find work flow activity status & notification details of the journal batch
select * from wf_notifications where notification_id in
(select notification_id from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES where
item_type=’GLBATCH’ and item_key like ‘&je_batch_id%’ );
(select notification_id from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES where
item_type=’GLBATCH’ and item_key like ‘&je_batch_id%’ );
item_type=’GLBATCH’ and item_key like ‘&je_batch_id%’;
item_type=’GLBATCH’ and item_key like ‘&je_batch_id%’;
je_batch_id can be obtained using below query
select je_batch_id from gl_je_batches where name=&je_batch_name;
select je_batch_id from gl_je_batches where name=&je_batch_name;
What are different types of approver methods and how to set approver method?
There are 3 types of approver methods
1.Go Up Management Chain –Goes up in HRMS manager hierarchy
2.Go Direct —Goes directly to the person with authorization limit
3.One Stop Then Go Direct – Goes to the immediate manager then directly to the person with authorization limit
2.Go Direct —Goes directly to the person with authorization limit
3.One Stop Then Go Direct – Goes to the immediate manager then directly to the person with authorization limit
Journal Approval in General Ledger
1. Enabled Journal Approval in Ledger Setup (Accounting Setup)
2. Defined journal sources that require journal approval
3. Entered all employees who are involved in preparing and approving journal entries.
4. Create an approval hierarchy:
- If using a shared install of Oracle Human Resources, use the Enter Person form of GL to enter all employees who are involved and preparing and approving journal entries and batches
- If using a full install of Oracle Human Resources, enter employees in the People window from the Human Resources Responsibility (required)
- When entering employee, enter the employee’s supervisor or manager name (this is the default next approver for journal entries and batches)
5. Defined Journal authorization limits
2. Defined journal sources that require journal approval
3. Entered all employees who are involved in preparing and approving journal entries.
4. Create an approval hierarchy:
- If using a shared install of Oracle Human Resources, use the Enter Person form of GL to enter all employees who are involved and preparing and approving journal entries and batches
- If using a full install of Oracle Human Resources, enter employees in the People window from the Human Resources Responsibility (required)
- When entering employee, enter the employee’s supervisor or manager name (this is the default next approver for journal entries and batches)
5. Defined Journal authorization limits
6. Add journals and approve, notifications will sent to next approval (Supervisor)
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