
New Feature - Sub Ledger Accounting (SLA)

We have already discussed about Subledger Accounting Method during the post "Its
not 3 c's any more". Here we will see it in bit more detailed manner what exactly it is.
My first request to Functional Consultants through out the world is that, you need not know SubLedger Accounting to perform an Implementation. One can use the Standard
seeded Subledger accounting methods itself.
However if the client wants a special accounting treatment to be followed on a case to case basis, then we should be knowing something on SLA.

Firstly, one can create a new Subledger accounting on his own (which will be a Huge
time consuming process)
Secondly, one can copy an existing Subledger accoutning and make changes wherever
required ( Highly recommended)
Thirdly, Subledger methods owned by Oracle cannot be altered

Subledger accounting method which is given by oracle are standard, which means they
are not specific to any chart of accounts, they work in the same manner.
However one can create an Subledger accounting method for a specific chart of

The introduction of Subledger accounting also changes the way in which transactions
are transferred to GL.
Earlier in REL 11,
Subledger > Create Accounting >Run Transfer to GL > GL interface > GL Main Table
Now in REL 12,
Subledger > Create Accounting > Sub Ledger tables (XLA) > Run Transfer to GL > GL
Interface > GL Main Table

The only difference in the accounting methods followed in REL 11 and REL 12 is that,
access to create an accounting method is given in the front end itself to the users in REL 12 which was not there in REL 11 !!!

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