
AP Questions and Answers

1) What has changed?
1.    The receipt class set up (in AR) has changed requiring the Oracle Payments ‘Payment Method’ to be attached to this kind of payments.
2.    Payment attributes of transactions will be stored in a centralized transaction payment-extension entity owned by Oracle Payments.
3.    In release 12, Oracle Payments owns the data model where all third party payment instruments are stored (these are instruments like customer credit cards and supplier bank accounts).
2) What happens during the Transaction Entry and Authorization ?
A) During the Transaction Entry
The following are captured in iReceivables during the transaction entry ( paying the Invoice in iReceivables) for the funds capture.
  • Payment method
  • Payment instrument
  • Payment attributes
These values are passed on to Oracle Payments before the Authorization & Settlement API’s are
Called.The transaction authorization information is stored in Payments and linked with the extension entity, this is
no longer stored in AR tables.
B) During Authorization 
Oracle Payments mandates that authorization is invoked before a transaction can be settled in Oracle Receivables. Oracle Payments will enforce that the settled amount is equal to or less than the authorized amount.
Based on the payment method passed to the Authorize API, Oracle Payments will perform different functions that depend on the nature of that payment method. For example, for payment methods in the credit card category, Oracle Payments will attempt to validate the credit card and reserve the transaction amounts for settlement. For payment methods in the bank account transfer category, Oracle Payments will not attempt to reserve the funds, but will try to validate the bank account information.

Flow Chart :
1.Create Payee
2.Create Transaction
(Pay the Invoice)
Receivables / iReceivables

3.Authorize Transaction
4.Settle Transaction
Oracle Payments
3) What is the set up required ?
In Oracle Payments:
A (funds capture) payment method may be set up or a seeded payment method used. It is required for funds capture within Oracle Payments to set up a funds capture process profile, a payment system, and a payee (the definition of the internal organization that will receive the funds, also known as the first party payee).
Set up Oracle Payments, if you intend to use the Pay Invoice function for credit
cards or for bank account transfers using the ACH network.
In Receivables:
Define Receipt Class and Payment Method
If you are using the Pay Invoice function, define at least one receipt class and payment
method for each iReceivables payment instrument that you intend to use:
• Bank account transfers using Receivables direct debit.
• Credit card payments using Payments.
• ACH bank account transfers using Payments.
In iReceivables:
Go the iReceivable Setup Responcibility > System Parameters  and select the ‘Credit Card Receipt Method’ and
‘Bank Account Payment Method’  defined above . These would default to the receipts created from iReceivables.
iReceivables does not support cross-currency payments. Though a user can still pay invoices with a credit card
or bank account that has a different currency from that of the invoice, the receipt created in iReceivables
will have the same currency as the invoice.
4) What are the Oracle Payment API’s used ?

Common structures and constants for all funds capture APIs
Set-up APIs for funds capture entities- payer, payment channels, instrument assignments, etc.
Funds capture transactional APIs
External bank account APIs
Create, Update, Check if it exists and Querying attributes.
How to disable Create Online Accounting in Payables
(1) Log on to System Administrator Responsibility
(2) Navigate Applications->Menu
(3) Query up Menu “AP_APXINWKB_MENU”
(4) In the child records of AP_APXINWKB_MENU, you should see “Invoice Accounting”
(5) Uncheck the grant checkbox for “Invoice Accounting”.
(6) Log on to Payables Responsibility
(7) Create a invoice and approve it.
(8) Click on the Actions button.
(9) You should see “Online Accounting” checkbox disabled.
R12 Internet Expenses FAQs
Internet Expenses
1. Why isn’t the Tax Code Defaulting on the Details Page in Internet Expenses?
– To implement the solution, please execute the following steps: 1. Login to a payables manager responsibility for the Operating Unit with this issue. -Navigate: Setup -> Tax -> E-Business Tax Home 2. For Task Name ‘Create Application Tax Options’, click ‘Go To Task’ -Click ‘Create’ -Enter the Operating Unit -Enter Application Name ‘Internet Expenses’ 3. Enter the Defaulting Order -Defaulting Order 1 should be ‘Expense Report Template’ -Apply 4. Ensure Defaulting Order Use Status is ‘Active’ 5. Bounce the Apache server
2. Why is the Expense Report Rejected by Expense Report Export Due to the Error ‘Supplier Type Is Invalid’?
– To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:: 1. Login to a Payables Manager responsibility 2. Navigate: Setup -> Lookups -> Purchasing 3. Query Type ‘VENDOR TYPE’ 4. Ensure Code ‘EMPLOYEE’ is not end-dated and is enabled.
3. Why is the Employee Created Automatically as Supplier Even Though the Option is Unchecked?
Cause: Bug 6632886 R12: AUTOMATIC CREATION OF EMPLOYEE AS SUPPLIER OPTION IS IGNORED — To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:: One-off patch 6745049 includes the fix for Bug 6632886 R12: AUTOMATIC CREATION OF EMPLOYEE AS SUPPLIER OPTION IS IGNORED. Refer to the patch readme for complete pre-requisite information. (This patch is available through controlled release. Please contact support for assistance with obtaining the patch.) Alternately apply the latest Rup patch identified in Note 423541.1.
4. Why does Expense Report Export Program Fail Due to Ora-06510: Apps.Ap_web_export_er?
Cause: The issue is caused because one expense report was rejected with “No Exchange Rate”. To implement the solution, please execute the following steps: 1. Define a valid exchange rate for the rejected expense report date and currency. 2. Re-run Expense Report Export program. 3. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.
5. Why isn’t the Custom Calculate Amount Called when Returning to Cash and Other Expenses Page?
Cause: Bug 6862323 12.0.4 – CALCULATE AMOUNT CLIENT EXTENSION WITH POLICY SCHEDULE NOT WORKING — To implement the solution, please execute the following steps: 1. The fix for this bug is included in one-off Patch 6862323 R12.OIE.A: Calculate Amount client extension with policy schedule not working. Refer to the patch readme for pre-requisite information. (This patch is available through controlled release. Please contact support for assistance with obtaining the patch.) 2. Bounce the Apache server after the patch is applied.
6. Why is the APXXXEER GL Account on First Line Nulled when Moving to Second Line?
Cause: Bug 6153249 Account is spacing out after first entry in manual expense report. The fix for this bug is included in APXXXEER.fmb 120.106 / 120.101.12000000.5, available in the latest Rup patch identified in Note 423541.1.
7. Why does the Oie-Allocations Project Expenditure Org Field Appear to be Limited to 30 Char?
Cause: Bug 6135815 R12 OIE-ALLOCATIONS. PROJECT EXPENDITURE ORGANIZATION FIELD LIMITED TO 30 CHARS The fix for this bug is included in Patch 6251856.
8. Why isn’t the Pay Group from the Expense Reports Tab of Payables Options used for Automatically Created Suppliers?
Cause: Bug 5890829 ISSUE WITH EXPENSE REPORT SUPPLIER SETUP. Due to bug 5890829, when a Supplier is created automatically for an Employee by the Expense Report Export program, the Supplier is being created with the Pay Group from ‘Payables System Setup’ instead of from the Expense Reports tab of the Payables Options form. — To implement the solution, please execute the following steps: The fix for this bug is included in one-off Patch 5890829 12.OIE.A: PAYGROUP AND PAYMENT TERMS ARE NOT BEING DEFAULTED CORRECTLY DURING AUTOMATIC CREATION OF SUPPLIER. Please review the patch readme for complete information.
9. Why isn’t Definition Taxcodeid Of Type Attribute Found In Cashandotherlinesvo?
Cause: unpublished Bug 6147311 Error Page Upon Press Next To Cash And Other Expenses Page The fix for this bug is included in 120.63.12000000.2 and 120.64 This bug fixed in, patch 6250306. (Please contact support for assistance with obtaining the patch.) Workaround: Do not personalize Tax related items in the personalization page. Disable self service personalization, log into application and remove all personalization related to Tax code.
Difference between Match and Quick Match
PO Default :
Enter PO Default as the invoice type if you know th purchase order you want to match to, but you do not know to which purchase order shipments or distributions you want to match. When you enter a PO Default invoice in the Invoice Workbench, Payables prompts you to enter the purchase order number and automatically enters the supplier name, supplier number, supplier site, and the purchase order currency for the invoice currency. When you choose the Match button,Payables will retrieve all purchase order shipments associated with the specified purchase order. You can then match to any shipment or distribution.
Quick Match:
Enter Quick Match as the invoice type if you want to match an invoice to all shipments on a purchase order. When you enter a Quick Match invoice in the Invoice Workbench, Payables prompts you to enter the purchase order number and automatically enters the supplier name, supplier number,supplier site, and the purchase order currency for the invoice currency. When you choose the Match button, Payables automatically matches to each shipment. You can choose to complete the match or override the matching information. 

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